Jerry was a very special human. He made an indelible imprint on everyone he met. He’s someone you looked forward to seeing, even for a dental visit!
He treated everyone equally and found something in common to share with them. He was an especially adept gossiper!
Because of his deep and long-standing relationship with my mother, Blanca, I was fortunate enough to become a friend of Jerry.
He loved my husband and was always there to support us whenever we asked, whether it was a political campaign or a donation to an arts organization. I miss him. Below is the last correspondence I received from Jerry, on September 19 of last year (2019). He texted me following a voicemail I had left for him telling him how much we are all thinking of him.
"You are precious! Hug hubby. Doing better on an incurable situation. You folks scroll through my life often for good reason. Will miss Sunday and your Ma. Tell her how much I love her and Alvarado clan."